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Super Meeple
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$55.89 $22.36

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Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 45-60 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Reiner Knizia
Publisher Super Meeple

In 532, Buddhism appeared in Japan, and took its place alongside Shintoism, which is the official religion. Prince Shotoku, seduced by this new religion, commissioned Buddhist monks to build a village endowed with an immense garden, in which 8 pagodas ( tajuto) would be erected. He announced that once the fourth tajuto was finished, it would make this city an important pilgrimage destination for all Buddhists around the world. The Buddhist monk who has reaches the highest level of Spirituality, through deep Meditation and other mental qualities, at this precise moment will be rewarded, and the Prince will name them "Great Guardian of the Sacred Garden of the Eight Pagodas", and this monk will become the overseer of pilgrimage.

In Tajuto, players will take on the roles of the Buddhist monks, trying to achieve the highest spirituality. On their turn, they may activate their action tiles to draw (and build) pagoda tiles from the bag, make offerings to gain meditation points, and acquire tiles that will help them progress more quickly or earn them spirituality points. Activating more than one action tile or obtaining tiles costs meditation points. The game is over once the fourth pagoda is finished. The player with the most spirituality points wins the game.

The key feature of the game is drawing the pagoda tiles from the tile bag. Pagoda tiles have a decreasing size per level. Players are welcome to blindly rummage around to try to recognize the floor by its size, but they are not likely to be able to detect the color this way, so drawing the floor size they want depends on their tactile recognition, but they have to weigh their odds to draw the color they want.

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