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Imperial Settlers: Rise of the Empire

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Portal Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$38.89 $15.56

( You save:  $23.33)

Number of Players 1-4
Playtime 45-90 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Joanna Kijanka
Publisher Portal Games
Base Game Imperial Settlers

Rise of the Empire is a meta-expansion that includes a completely new layer to Imperial Settlers by introducing an open-world campaign setting. From game to game, players' empires will forge ahead, reaching new eras, goals, technologies, discoveries, and provinces. (You don't need to play the campaign in a set group of co-players as each empire can create its own pace and represent different stages of advancement.)

This meta-expansion includes 220 new cards split into three types: Provinces, Goals & Achievements, and Technologies & Discoveries. Plus Imperial Settlers: Rise of the Empire shortens gameplay from 5 to 4 rounds.

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