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Railways of Nippon

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$67.89 $27.16

( You save:  $40.73)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 90-120 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) Glenn Drover, Hisashi Hayashi, Martin Wallace
Publisher Eagle-Gryphon Games

Railways of Nippon is a self-contained 2-4 player version of (but not a re-implementation because it also integrates with) Railways of the World with a new map of Japan designed by Japanese game designer Hisashi Hayashi. The game occurs during Japan's rapid industrial growth during the Meiji era, where you take the role of one of the entrepreneurial railroad baron of that time.

You will plan and lay track, upgrade your trains, sell goods to distant cities, and use operation cards to become the richest railroad baron of Japan! Balance your budget carefuly, since taking too many bank bonds can ruin your business over the course of the game. Also, watch the competition closely since you can only use the track that you laid down personally to trade.

Since the island of Japan is mountainous and narrow there is frequently not enough space for everyone to lay their track where they want. Foreseeing your competitors moves and well thought out moves ensures you have an undisputed railroad empire!

Railways of Nippon was also released as an expansion, that required components from the base game

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