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Brutal Kingdom

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$13.99 $5.60

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Number of Players 3-4
Playtime 30 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) Michael Rieneck
Publisher Kosmos

The king’s court is no place for those faint of heart — or the weak of claw and fang. Here, almost everyone is secretly plotting to gain the greatest amount of power in three spheres of influence: royal, clerical, and mystical. The bishop has dodged a poisoning, but now the danger awaits the abbot, who himself pursues the witch. The king and queen are at each other’s throats, while the executioner waits for his next assignment. The survival of the fittest is the law in this game of feral human nature.

The 20 stunningly illustrated anthropomorphized animal characters will have you clawing your way to power by fang and claw.

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