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Sticky Cthulhu

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$21.89 $8.76

( You save:  $13.13)

Number of Players 2-6
Playtime 15 Min
Suggested Ages 6+
Designer(s) Cédric Barbé, Théo Rivière
Publisher IELLO

In Sticky Cthulhu, every player has a long sticky "tentacle", and the table is covered with six types of creature tiles in six colors, along with a few investigator tokens.

To begin a round, someone rolls the two dice — one showing a color, the other a creature — then everyone rushes to "grab" the appropriately colored creature tile by slapping it with their tentacle. The round isn't over until someone removes the tile from their tentacle and holds it in their hand. This player gets a point, then you do it all again.

As you gather "Deep Ones" point tokens, you'll suffer curses that will force you to wield your tentacle in unusual ways. Whoever first scores the predetermined number of points wins the game!

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