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Rio Grande Games
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$10.99 $4.40

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Number of Players 2
Playtime 30 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Friedemann Friese
Publisher Rio Grande Games

Ready yourself for a fierce duel. Strategically use the features of the four different families to grab the most valuable gangsters away from your opponent. Your objective? To have the greatest gang at the end of the game.

In Famiglia, the players gather gangsters with the goal of collecting the highest-valued gangsters. A player normally requires two identical gangsters (same family and same value) to be able to take a gangster with the next highest value of the same family. The player plays one of the smaller gangsters from their hand into their play area. To get higher-valued gangsters quicker, the player can use the special abilities of the different families at the cost of placing more gangsters in their play area. This reduces a players options and so they must plan the end the game with the most influential gang.

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