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Marvel United: Multiverse - Team Decks

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$19.89 $7.96

( You save:  $11.93)

Number of Players 1-5
Playtime 40 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Andrea Chiarvesio, Eric M. Lang, Francesco Rugerfred Sedda
Publisher CMON, Spin Master
Publisher Marvel United, Marvel United: X-Men, Marvel United: Multiverse

Marvel United is all about teamwork, and Heroes are known for creating specialized teams from time to time. Avengers, X-Men, Defenders, Guardians of the Galaxy, to name but a few. Each of these teams has its own characteristics and strategies, though being part of a structured team also comes with limitations and drawbacks.

When adding a Team Deck to your game, all the Heroes being used must be part of the same Team, and the Hard Challenge difficulty level should be used. That Team deck is shuffled and put facedown within view of all players, with 2 cards revealed to form the Team Display. These are essentially Hero cards, with Action symbols at the bottom as well as a Special Effect. On their turn, a Hero can pick to either play a regular turn or they can choose to play a Team turn. In that case they do not touch their Hero cards (neither drawing nor playing) but select instead one of the Team cards in the Display and play that card in the Storyline, as if it were their own card. A new card is immediately drawn from the deck to fill the Team Display (until the deck runs out). This not only brings a different flavor to the match, but will also give Heroes more options of what to do on their turn. However, there is a downside to playing as a Team. Most Team decks will have at least one card with a mandatory negative effect. This is in effect as long as that card is faceup on the Team Display. In order to shut it down, a Hero must take one for the team by taking a Team turn, picking the negative card, and playing it facedown in the Storyline.

All Teams in this set may be played using solely Heroes which are part of boxes that are (or will be) available on retail. Although, of course, most of these Teams will also have additional members who are part of exclusive expansions or Stretch Goals from this or previous campaigns. Also note that many of these Teams might still be bolstered by Heroes revealed over the course of the Multiverse campaign.

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