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$25.89 $10.36

( You save:  $15.53)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 30-45 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Bruno Faidutti, Alex Randolph
Publisher IDW

The small island of Kuchinoshima has been hit by a terrible storm, leaving the village with a single fishing boat. Each hoping to prove themselves the village’s best fisherman, 2-4 players will take turns moving the boat marker around the island, collecting any fish tiles they land upon. At the end of the day, the player with the best haul wins, however there’s a twist – each player’s score is added to their left neighbor’s score before determining the winner!

  • A point-sharing, tile-laying game that comes with 42 full color acrylic tiles
  • Artwork by Kwanchai Moriya
  • Game design by Alex Randolph and Bruno Faidutti


  • 42 Plastic Fish Tokens
  • 7 Plastic Skill Tokens
  • 1 Boat Marker
  • 1 Game Board
  • 1 Rulebook
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