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Pandasaurus Games
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$51.89 $20.76

( You save:  $31.13)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 45-60 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Bruno Cathala, Johannes Goupy
Publisher Pandasaurus Games

Orichalcum is a tense and rapid-pace strategy game – similar to a short 4X. Player have their own Island board to explore and develop. On each turn, they pick a set of one Exploration tile and one Action : recruit hoplites, produce precious orichalcum (a legendary metal from Greek mythology), construct buildings granting powerful bonuses, or try to get rid of Monsters infesting your island (and preventing you to build new building).

To prevail, you will need to build majestic temples, forge orichalcum tokens or win the favors of titans (by creating areas of their favorite landscapes. The first to get to 5 victory points while clearing their Island of all Monsters wins.

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