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Five Tribes: Whims of the Sultan

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Days of Wonder
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$39.89 $15.96

( You save:  $23.93)

Number of Players 2-5
Playtime 40-90 Min
Suggested Ages 13+
Designer(s) Bruno Cathala
Publisher Days of Wonder
Base Game Five Tribes

The Sultanate of Naqala continues to prosper, and the new Sultan has founded five fabulous cities to take advantage of this time of prosperity — but these cities have brought more competitors than grains of sand in the desert and the fate of the Sultanate once again lies in the hands of the five tribes and the powerful Djinns. Five Tribes: Whims of the Sultan has all the components needed to play five-player games of Five Tribes and offers new fabulous cities tiles. Visiting these cities gives players opportunities to win glory as they fulfill large requests from the Sultan by completing "Whim of the Sultan" cards. Fierce competition is expected, as controlling these tiles can be a huge contributor to a player's final score.

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