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Viva Topo!

Out of stock
Pegasus Spiele
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$27.89 $11.16

( You save:  $16.73)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 20-30 Min
Suggested Ages 4+
Designer(s) Manfred Ludwig
Publisher Pegasus Spiele

In Viva Topo!, players will attempt to advance their mice (pieces) from the start to any of various goals. The further away the goal, the more cheese (points) it is worth. Chasing the mice is the cat that removes the mice from the game should it catch the mice.

Movement is controlled by a die which has 1/1/2/3/4/5 on the sides. The "1" sides also control the movement of the cat. Initial cat moves are only one space, but later become two spaces after once around the track, so when the cat speeds up, the game is almost all over!

Viva Topo! is a family game that has players balancing risk and rewards as they attempt to outrun the cat and score cheese.

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