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Tides of Madness

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Portal Games
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$10.99 $4.40

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Number of Players 2
Playtime 20 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Kristian Curla
Publisher Portal Games

The veil between the current world, and the past is opening. The Ancient Ones are waking slowly. Their power reaches our world, sending dreams and nightmares to tempt humanity into casting long-forgotten rituals. Old books have been found. Temples, and palaces discovered. It is the dawn of their awakening, and shortly the stars will align.

Tides of Madness is the sequel to Tides of Time. With similar game-play, and similar rules, Tides of Madness brings a new twist: Madness. Some cards, while powerful, will hurt your psyche. You must watch your Madness or risk losing the game early as your mind is lost to the power of the ancients.

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