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Renegade: Booster Pack 2 - Fire & Chaos

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$9.89 $3.96

( You save:  $5.93)

Number of Players 1-5
Playtime 90 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Richard Wilkins
Publisher Victory Point Games
Publisher Renegade

Renegades, if you’re looking for a fight, Mother is bringing it! Her evil brother, Logi, is burning mad! In response to your threat, the SMCs have made a Warlord Protector SMC whose fiery defenses fight very dirty indeed. Packed with brand new Countermeasure cards, beware when you light a Roman Candle, climb Jacob’s Ladder, or meet the Hackman!

This Booster Pack add-on includes 9 new Countermeasure cards and one new tarot size SMC card for your team to combat.

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