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Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Expansion #6 - EPIC Napoleonics

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GMT Games
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$82.89 $33.16

( You save:  $49.73)

Number of Players 2-8
Playtime 120-240 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) Richard Borg
Publisher GMT Games

EPIC Napoleonics is the 6th expansion for GMT’s Commands & Colors Napoleonics game system. EPIC Napoleonics allows for larger battles with more units. EPIC Napoleonics is actually two different game systems in one – the Epic Battles system, and the La Grande Battles system. Although the scope of our Napoleonic game has changed size wise, the historical feel and the basic rules of play, for the most part, is still the same. To get the maximum enjoyment with these two new Napoleonic game formats, both EPIC Napoleonics and La Grande Battles scenarios are best played using the Command card and Tactician card decks that were part of the Generals, Marshals and Tacticians expansion.

Included with this expansion are six standard sized scenarios that focus on key phases of the battle of Austerlitz, 2 December 1805. This expansion also has 12 EPIC sized engagements and two La Grande Battle scenarios. Also contains two double-sided mounted maps. The EPIC sided battlefield is larger, and at 11 hexes deep by 20 hexes wide, it's almost double the size of the standard size battlefield of 9 hexes deep by 13 hexes wide. When laid side-by-side to form the La Grande battlefield, the battle area is a massive 11 hexes deep by 26 hexes wide.

In an EPIC Napoleonics game, one player on each side takes the role of the Commander In Chief (CIC). Each CIC has a hand of Command cards and on a turn they must play one card from his hand to order units in one section of the EPIC battlefield. Also on the turn, the CIC must choose one card from the Courier rack to play. The card picked from the Courier rack will also order units in one section of the EPIC battlefield. There are only three sections in the EPIC battlefield (left, center and right) and with two Command cards played every turn, the action quickly becomes very fast and furious.

The Courier rack is a new game mechanic, and begins each battle with five Command cards that are visible to both players. Every turn one card is taken from the rack, so the choice of cards a player has each turn is reduced, until there are only two cards remaining on the rack. The rack is then filled back to five cards before the next player’s turn, and the card selection process from the Courier rack will begin again.

EPIC Napoleonic will allow two or more players to enjoy a truly Epic size battle, but it's important to note in order to play most EPIC Napoleonic scenarios, players need a copy of the Commands & Colors Napoleonic game and its expansions (Spanish, Russian, Austrian, Prussian and Generals, Marshals and Tacticians) This EPIC Napoleonic expansion will only gives enough units and terrain to fill any gaps.

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