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Number of Players 2-6
Playtime 20 Min
Suggested Ages 6+
Designer(s) N/A
Publisher Amigo

In Flip-Pix!. you begin with a number of cards in hand, with one side of each card showing images and the other side showing letters.

Everyone goes at the same time. Pick up your cards, then play one of them image side up, then flip your cards over, look for a card with the starting letter for that image, then play that card. Be creative in order to make matches! For a picture of a unicorn, you could play a "U" to match "unicorn", an "A" to match "animal", or an "I" to match "imaginary creature". Flip your cards again to look for an image that matches a played letter, and continue playing cards and flipping them.

Whoever first plays all of their cards wins the game!

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